Jeremiah-coming in via skype – makes point via slides that more people this year (2008) are “joiners” than in 2007 – though content and sm behavior is still much more driven by younger people – older generations are much less apt to be creators and even joiners.
Social Media as Jello – forms are changing.
Content like Shish Kebob – bite sized media, no longer just steak.
Rubel: Attention Crash – we have less attention and more people
Content is more bitesized too – like Twitter, which was the fastest growing network by % in 2008.
People are snacking on content.
How do you respond?
-SM adoption will increase during recession
– Like Jello, media takes many forms – make sure your content is ‘spreadable’
– Cut up the steak and make it bitesized to be sure that you are able to have your content spread rapidly.
Question: Is it dangerous for business to be looking at SM as a quick fix now?
A: Not all biz are doing this as a quick fix, some have been trying for a while. We encourage people to get into it for the long haul.
Question: Does productivity get impacted by social media creation? What does creating bite size content do for companies?
A: Companies are doing a lot more ‘bite-sized’ videos on Youtube with full content on their own sites – smaller versions easier to share. like giving away appetizer and full meal costs money.