Supernova Interview: Beth Noveck, Deputy CTO, USA « Supernova Hub

I had the privilege of interviewing the Deputy US CTO for Open Government today at the PDF conference.

Today at the Personal Democracy Forum event, US CIO Vivek Kundra announced the first “IT Dashboard” for manipulating data about how US taxpayer’s dollars are spent. (Good coverage at the NY Observer.) After Kundra and new media director of the White House Macon Phillips left the PDF stage, Beth Noveck, Deputy US CTO for the Open Government initiative spoke with PDF co-founder Andrew Rasiej about her project. Noveck, the author of Wiki Government, has the rare opportunity of proposing a major change in public policy in a book and implementing it just months later….

See the video: Supernova Interview: Beth Noveck, Deputy CTO, USA « Supernova Hub