Blog talk radio interview with Michelle Batten

I met Michelle Batten at the 140 Characters conference, and we had some great discussions. This week, she asked me to be on her Blog Talk Radio show.

I resumed our series about brands and consumers in the digital world this week with Howard Greenstein, a fellow Social Media Club organizer and Principal at the Harbrooke Group…. In addition to being a participant, Howard was also one of the featured Characters and gave an excellent presentation on the “Wisdom of Twitter”…The first part of our discussion explored the culture of Twitter and it’s uniqueness from other social media computing platforms.

iMediaWorksConnect: Michelle Batten, Lead Marketing Strategist’s stories on digital marketing and integrated interactive communications: Episode 6: Twitter: One Big Social Block Party

Michelle asked me about what makes companies successful on Twitter, and also about the differences between Twitter and Facebook as platforms for end users as well as marketers. You can read the summary above at Michelle’s site or listen on BTR.