Best Practices for Enterprise Social Media Management

The folks at Sprinklr have created a new e-book called Best Practices for Enterprise Social Media Management that features many of my friends, colleagues, and people I admire in the industry. The opening part of the book features several quick and useful graphics that would be useful for any executive trying to explain some of the organizational and cultural shifts that would be required as an enterprise adopts social media.

The main thrust of the piece is “Social@Scale.” The company uses the experts to talk about how to think about doing social media engagement at a larger scale. This is not a trivial issue, as it is much different running your own Facebook or Twitter presence than it is interacting with thousands or millions of fans on a business page. Folks like David Meerman-Scott, David Armano, Joe Jaffe, Rohit Bhargava, David Weinberger and more give the perspective on thinking about Social@Scale.

In the next section on tools and tactics, Renee Blodget, Brett Petersel, Ted Rubin and more all share what they’ve learned about helping organizations break down the silos. You get brief organizational model discussions from Sarah Evans, Chris Brogan, Jason Falls, Jay Baer and Matt Dickman.

People like Doc Searls, Amy Vernon, and Peter Shankman help bring the book home with discussions on content, conversation and branding.

The e-book table of contents reads like a who’s who of book authors and credible agency folks who have actually done the work. At the end is a quick assessment you can use to tell if your organization needs help in it’s process of creating social at scale, and, this being a content marketing piece, of course you can contact Sprinklr for more details.

The e-book is a quick and cogent read and the contributors all make very good points at a high level. A reader who wants more in any area can likely find depth in the books that many of these consultants and authors have created. This is a great free resource. Congrats to the smart folks at Sprinklr (who seem to employ more of my friends each week) for sharing this with the world.