New Media Masters Program in Britain – A Twitter Masters?

The title of this article, “Masters Degree in Twitter Studies” misrepresents the degree, as I read it.

Quick Takes: Master’s Degree in Twitter Studies – Inside Higher Ed

Birmingham City University, in Britain, is attracting attention and some skepticism with its announcement that it is starting a new master’s degree program in social media, with an emphasis on training people to work in marketing or consulting for those who want to better understand Twitter, Facebook and other popular online services.

From the programs’ site: “This MA programme will explore the techniques of social media, consider
the development and direction of social media as a creative industry,
and will contribute new research and knowledge to the field.”

It actually seems to be more like what I studied at the NYU ITP program, albiet the early-90s version with CD Roms and early web stuff. But the community discussions and the study of how people interact (online and off) still serves me today. Much of what I studied is still relevant. I hope Birmingham is thinking that way as wel.