Self Promotion for Introverts

Author and NYU SCPS faculty colleague Nancy Ancowitz has released Self Promotion for Introverts, and interviewed me for the book. This excerpt article from is an excellent summary of the book, and again quotes me.
10 Ways Introverts Can Promote Themselves to Extroverts | Monster

Figure out how to make your knowledge invaluable to others. Get known as the “go-to” person for your area of expertise. Harness your introverted strengths, and write or deliver presentations on what you know that others don’t to increase your visibility. “Say you’re an expert in ferrets,” says Howard Greenstein, social media strategist and president of the Harbrooke Group consultancy. “If you publish a ferret article a week for 52 weeks, before you know it, you’re going to come up a lot higher when someone types ‘ferret’ into a search engine than if you just have a site that says, ‘The Ferret Expert.’”

Ferrets? It seemed reasonable at the time. Thanks to Nancy for including me. (Consider this blog post self promotion for an extrovert.)

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