Announcing my appointment to NYU’s Graduate Faculty

I’m thrilled to be able to share this news with clients and friends – I’ve been asked to join the faculty of the NYU Masters of Science Program in Integrated Marketing program to teach Y50.2100, Advanced Digital and Emerging Media.
This is a program for working professionals as well as full-time students, and some great  professionals teach in the program. My class will cover Social Media topics from Social Networks and Connections with consumers as well as emerging digital media trends. Topics are going to range from Blogging to Mobile, Augmented Reality to Gaming and Analytics through Measurement.
This is an official invite to my friends in the industry – if you have ideas on this subject matter, if you have case studies, or will be in New York and wish to guest lecture about a topic in which you’re an expert, please get in touch.

UPDATE: This is a part-time gig, and the class is in the evenings. I’ll still be working with clients as usual.

3 thoughts on “Announcing my appointment to NYU’s Graduate Faculty

  1. Congrats Howard! NYU’s program is amazing – I receive my certificate in February, but am considering taking additional courses after because they have been so helpful.

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