Help Us Find the Wisdom of Twitter: #TwitWiz

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase

At the upcoming 140 Characters Conference being thrown by Jeff Pulver, Dean Landsman and I will give a talk called “The Wisdom of Twitter.” We both have some good ideas about “How Twitter Can be Helpful in Increasing Our Wisdom” or “What Twitter Has Taught Us.” We also know a bit about “What are the Wisest Ways to Use Twitter,” but we’d love learn more about these subjects from the experts – you.

We intend to curate this talk, and take much of the wisdom from you, the crowd. So, please help us learn about the best ways to use twitter to gain wisdom and knowledge, and please help us by sharing the things you’ve learned by using Twitter – 140 characters  at a time.

Please send them to @HowardGr or @Deanland and tag them with #TwitWiz so we can find them more easily. We’ll credit everyone who shares something of value.

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Changing your Social Media Status isn’t a Marketing Tactic

I’ve written several times about the things that can happen when you change your Social Network status, or use a presence tool like Twitter to update your community.  (See: Facebook and Blogs for Non-profit Recruiting Business Development via Social Networks, and On Social Networks Give and you Shall Receive).
At a recent conference I ran into Jeremy Epstein who told me this story. He got an email from a potential business contact, but had no idea how he got Jeremy’s name. The client liked Jeremy’s blog posts about consumer privacy issues, so Jeremy engaged him and asked where this person found him. Continue reading

Social Media and the Election

I spoke on a panel last week for the Columbia Business School Alumni group about Social Media and the election, and while we suspected it, we didn’t know for sure if many of our predictions would come true. However, with Obama as President-Elect, many social network commetators are discussing what the key elements of the success were, and how they can be used by your company or organization.

Many of my Social Media colleagues note that brand is no longer about “what you say your company stands for, but what your customers tell you it stands for.” (I can’t find the original reference for this quote, but it is constantly repeated. Personality Not Included by Rohit Bhargava is a good place to look for info about this concept.) Continue reading