Chris Heuer at the Social Media Jungle

Need to understand and reembrace some fundamental principles related to social communications and social technologies.

Welcome to the Era of social conversation, people want to talk to people, not be messaged to.
The difference between “talk to the hand” and “what can I give you (handshake)” is the difference in most communication vs social communication.

There are no levers to pull to get more twitter followers and sales.

90% attitude, 10% aptitude.

Principles – be human, be aware, be honest, be respectful, be a participant, be open and be courageous.

Be human and be yourself .
Be aware and be smart – know what does and doesn’t matter – be a good filter for others – most people don’t scale.

Be honest and have integrity.
Be respectful and live by golden rule – disagree with respect.
Be a participant – and contribute value.
Be Courageous and be willing to fail.

How can we encourage more personal development and become more

Jeff Sass at Social Media Jungle

Example – Disney employee heard Sass and his girlfriend debating riding Aerosmith the ride – 70 min wait for a 90 second ride and his girlfriend didn’t want to go.
The Employee gave him a fastpass for that hour, to let Jeff jump the line and his girlfriend didn’t have to wait very long at all.

Here’s a link to Jeff Sass’ “Learn, Baby Learn” presentation from the first Social Media Jungle event. Much of Jeff’s presentation is similar today – and I wanted to link this because his slides are really smart and well thought out.

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Jeremiah Owyang – Social Media Jungle

Jeremiah-coming in via skype –  makes point via slides that more people this year (2008) are “joiners” than in 2007 – though content and sm behavior is still much more driven by younger people – older generations are much less apt to be creators and even joiners.

Social Media as Jello – forms are changing.
Content like Shish Kebob – bite sized media, no longer just steak.
Rubel: Attention Crash – we have less attention and more people
Content is more bitesized too – like Twitter, which was the fastest growing network by % in 2008.
People are snacking on content.
How do you respond?
-SM adoption will increase during recession
– Like Jello, media takes many forms – make sure your content is ‘spreadable’
– Cut up the steak and make it bitesized to be sure that you are able to have your content spread rapidly.

Question: Is it dangerous for business to be looking at SM as a quick fix now?
A: Not all biz are doing this as a quick fix, some have been trying for a while. We encourage people to get into it for the long haul.

Question: Does productivity get impacted by social media creation? What does creating bite size content do for companies?
A: Companies are doing a lot more ‘bite-sized’ videos on Youtube with full content on their own sites – smaller versions easier to share. like giving away appetizer and full meal costs money.

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