Announcing my appointment to NYU’s Graduate Faculty

I’m thrilled to be able to share this news with clients and friends – I’ve been asked to join the faculty of the NYU Masters of Science Program in Integrated Marketing program to teach Y50.2100, Advanced Digital and Emerging Media.
This is a program for working professionals as well as full-time students, and some great  professionals teach in the program. My class will cover Social Media topics from Social Networks and Connections with consumers as well as emerging digital media trends. Topics are going to range from Blogging to Mobile, Augmented Reality to Gaming and Analytics through Measurement.
This is an official invite to my friends in the industry – if you have ideas on this subject matter, if you have case studies, or will be in New York and wish to guest lecture about a topic in which you’re an expert, please get in touch.

UPDATE: This is a part-time gig, and the class is in the evenings. I’ll still be working with clients as usual.

Great article to shift your thought on Social Media

Great thought piece from Stowe Boyd this morning (and hat tip to Brian Solis for the pointer via Facebook)

Texting Isn’t The Distraction, Driving Is: A Parable For Social Business – /Message

The revolution in perception is to consider driving the car the distraction that takes your attention away from texting. Then the push is on to invent new technologies to change the basis of driving, instead of regulating texting.

He notes that changing the radio isn’t outlawed, but can be just as distracting – but we’re used to it. Stowe goes on to note that in the same way many executives think Social Media usage at work is the distraction rather than the work, that perception will change over time.

Changes coming to Facebook Fan Pages

Seems that Facebook is making some Changes to Fan Pages. This is going to affect Small companies and Small Non-Profits alike.
Here’s a great article summarizing some of the changes:

ATTN Nonprofits: Major Changes Coming Soon to Facebook Fan Pages « Nonprofit Tech 2.0

Scheduled to occur sometime between late 2009 and early 2010, some major changes are coming to Facebook Fan Pages.

One big change is that Status Updates won’t show in the news feeds of all your fans. Fans will have to “like” the update and comment on it to increase its popularity.

Another one is that the “Boxes” tab is going away. Hat tip to Kendra Kellogg in the comments of the previous article for pointing to an article that explains how to move your custom Boxes to Static FBML tabs

At least there’s a little notice for this change but I believe it is going to affect a lot of people’s Facebook design.

Google Wave’s Potential for Business Users

I just published an article over on Mashable about Wave’s potential for Business users.

Google Wave’s Massive Potential for Business Users

But taking the time to understand Wave and how it works might be a worthwhile investment for business users. Here’s what Wave could mean for the future of business communication and collaboration.

This came out of a lot of usage, and talking with people from the Google Wave team via the Supernova Network Age Briefing as well as in person at the Supernova Conference

I have already seen some good comments – love to hear your feedback.