At the Inc.Com Startup Blog – When Customers Supply your Demand

When Customers Supply Your Demand – Start Up

One of the hardest business problems to solve is “demand.” We know about demand from economics class as the “The willingness and ability to buy a range of quantities of a good at a range of prices, during a given time period.” It is a problem startups and growing businesses face all the time – how much should I make, or how much would people buy if I make it? But what if your customers could tell you how much they wanted in advance? What if they could tell their favorite band “Play this arena and you’ll sell out” or tell an author “200 of us will be at your book signing in Topeka, if you schedule one.”

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Recession? Everything’s Fine – my latest column on

I’m happy to officially announce that I’m back blogging regularly for on the Startup Blog.

Recession? Everything’s Fine Here, We’re Hiring!- Start Up Blog

So, in her note she described the need to bring someone in now to learn the employee’s role and transition her work. With so many people out of work in the event planning space, the email generated 300 leads for sales and relationship building. Actually it generated resumes, but Jennifer told me

“Each resume is an opportunity for us to reach out to a planner who is at a job that is being eliminated, a job they’re still in but looking to move from, or someone who will eventually land at a place where they’ll need my firm’s help.”

>There’s more at Inc. about how Jennifer’s firm did with this campaign. Startup Blog – startup helps find office space w/social tools

My latest post on Tech and Marketing on the Startup Blog is about a web tool that lets entrepreneurs find flexible office space inexpensively.

How I Found the Right Office Space

I typically write here about tools to help entrepreneurs better promote, market, communicate and sell in their businessesI typically write here about tools to help entrepreneurs better promote, market, communicate and sell in their businesses. But as the economic slowdown creeps up on many businesses, it is worth exploring a web tool that lets entrepreneurs find flexible office space inexpensively.

In keeping with the theme of my posts, the site also uses social tools to promote and improve the product.

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