These are the slides Dean Landsman and I used at the 140 Characters Conference in NYC this week. UPDATE – The Video is also available below.
Tag Archives: howardgr
Help Us Find the Wisdom of Twitter: #TwitWiz
- Image via CrunchBase
At the upcoming 140 Characters Conference being thrown by Jeff Pulver, Dean Landsman and I will give a talk called “The Wisdom of Twitter.” We both have some good ideas about “How Twitter Can be Helpful in Increasing Our Wisdom” or “What Twitter Has Taught Us.” We also know a bit about “What are the Wisest Ways to Use Twitter,” but we’d love learn more about these subjects from the experts – you.
We intend to curate this talk, and take much of the wisdom from you, the crowd. So, please help us learn about the best ways to use twitter to gain wisdom and knowledge, and please help us by sharing the things you’ve learned by using Twitter – 140 characters at a time.
Please send them to @HowardGr or @Deanland and tag them with #TwitWiz so we can find them more easily. We’ll credit everyone who shares something of value.
Howard Greenstein participating in the Charity Smackdown 09
I’m proud to support Stand Up To Cancer in the Charity Smackdown 09 – a cause marketing event contest between teams lead by Celebrities with Social Media ‘notables’ on each team. Each of the Smackdown Teams has from March 16th at 11pm EST to March 26th to raise as much money as possible for the causes. Note: Most of the action will occur on, (UPDATE: See Post HERE) as the Harbrooke Group blog is really for professional activities – but this cause and the event really joins both the personal and professional, hence this post.
My cause, as it has been since last year, is Stand Up To Cancer. Cancer has touched my life in terrible ways through family and neighbors over the past few years, and this is my way to give back. (More stories as the week goes on).
My team is “Team Corbin” led by musician (and High School Musical star) Corbin Bleu, and including Natali Del Conte (@NataliDelConte), Tech Reporter for CNET and CBS’ the Early Show, and Jared Eng of celeb blog (@jaredEng). My team is up against some stiff competition, from celeb power like Alec Baldwin and 2 of the stars of Heroes, and also from some top social media celebs like Mashable’s Pete Cashmore, WalMart’s 11 Moms, MCHammer and Chris Brogan.
Will You lend me your friends and your network to help promote this cause?
*****Call To Action******
Please help me to at least place respectfully in this competition by taking one or more of the following actions:
1. Look for the donation widget below (post will be updated when the widget goes live updated!) and please link to it. (A simple way to do this is to copy the Web Address of this page and make it a link via your Facebook Status message).
2. Make your own post in support of my team and link to or embed our donation widget.
3. Donate. If you can spare the $5-10 you’d usually spend on Starbucks for the week or something, that’s great. It all helps. If I could get 100 friends to send $5 or $10 I’d be absolutely ecstatic. If Cancer has touched your life, consider doubling what you’re giving.
4. Add my team’s donation Widget to your blog, MySpace, or webpage. There’s going to be a separate thing for Facebook.
5. I’ll be Tweeting about #Smack09 – please follow me and my teammates on twitter (@howargr) and ReTweet my posts – or “like” them on FriendFeed. The hashtag is #smack09. Also, follow @smack_talk on Twitter.
6. Change your social network status or IM status to “Support Team Corbin and help @HowardGr to Stand Up To Cancer” #smack09 please RT”
7. Send an email to friends: “Hi, my friend/colleague/this guy I know Howard Greenstein is part of an online event to raise money for Stand Up To Cancer. Please see for more details and to support his cause, donate at URL.”
8. Suggest something that I should do here that I haven’t thought of yet. Comments are open.
Anything you do (even donating to one of the other causes) is helpful to this event, and to me. This event goes for 9 days – so there will be more posts.
Finally, this event is called a “smackdown” because some of the fun is talking smack to the other teams. It is all in good fun, and no one (including me) should take offense. Thanks for reading this and for your support.

At the Inc.Com Startup Blog – When Customers Supply your Demand
When Customers Supply Your Demand – Start Up
One of the hardest business problems to solve is “demand.” We know about demand from economics class as the “The willingness and ability to buy a range of quantities of a good at a range of prices, during a given time period.” It is a problem startups and growing businesses face all the time – how much should I make, or how much would people buy if I make it? But what if your customers could tell you how much they wanted in advance? What if they could tell their favorite band “Play this arena and you’ll sell out” or tell an author “200 of us will be at your book signing in Topeka, if you schedule one.”
Go read the rest at
Panelist at the Viral Marketing Conference in April
- Image via Wikipedia
I’ve been asked to speak on a panel at the Marketing Lab at Baruch College. The topic is “Viral Marketing.”
Viral Marketing Conference Set for April 27 – MarketWatch
NEW YORK, Mar 06, 2009 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Acknowledged leaders in the viral marketing community – Peter Himler, Howard Greenstein, John C Havens and Steve Rubel – will be featured panelists at the Baruch College MarkLab’s conference – “Yes We Can: Going Viral in a Social Marketing World” – taking place on Monday, April 27, 2009.
Can you pass it on?
UPDATE: To Register, email .
Update: Here’s a PDF ad for the conference: viral-conference-ad
Social Media for Personal Branding – Chicago 2/26
Please join me as keynote speaker for the EFactor’s kick off event in Chicago next week.
E.Factor : Building Your Business On Social Networks
Does the word Social Media and Web 2.0 make you nervous? It shouldn’t. Join E.Factor and our keynote Speakers Howard Greenstein, social media expert, Ted Greene, Blagica Bottigliero and Charles Fellingham, personal branding expert, for an exclusive members-only event and learn how your can tap into the online world without feeling overwhelmed.
* Which Ones Are Right For You?
* Is there such thing as having too many?
* How can you tap into your core audience?
I will post my slides on the E.Factor site and link to them here after the talk.
The One Thing in Social Media
In the movie City Slickers, Billy Crystal’s character is told by Curly (Jack Palance):
Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is? [holds up one finger] This.
Mitch: Your finger?
Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that and the rest don’t mean shit.
Mitch: But, what is the “one thing?”
Curly: [smiles] That’s what *you* have to find out.
(Update: YouTube won’t let it be embeded, but the clip is there.)
I was on a client call, and they were asking for that “one thing” they could do to start in Social Media. I knew it immediately. And, unlike Curly, I’m here to tell you the one thing for Social Media….
Continue reading Startup Blog – startup helps find office space w/social tools
My latest post on Tech and Marketing on the Startup Blog is about a web tool that lets entrepreneurs find flexible office space inexpensively.
How I Found the Right Office Space
I typically write here about tools to help entrepreneurs better promote, market, communicate and sell in their businessesI typically write here about tools to help entrepreneurs better promote, market, communicate and sell in their businesses. But as the economic slowdown creeps up on many businesses, it is worth exploring a web tool that lets entrepreneurs find flexible office space inexpensively.
In keeping with the theme of my posts, the site also uses social tools to promote and improve the product.
Read the rest at